Wellness-Screening drivs av Elena Malmefeldt genom företaget Hälsokunskap AB.
Vision: Att genom kunskapsöverföring via screeningar, föreläsningar och utbildningar, motivera och inspirera till positiva livsstilsförändringar och verka för att ökat välmående för kvinnor och män i alla åldersgrupper.
Metoder: Wellness Medical Screening • TM Flow • TBL-ABI
Medical area
Our products use specific software including data management focus in vascular function and autonomic nervous system assessments, which are frequent complications of diabetes or aging, side effects of medications or other chronic diseases.
We sell these only for the Scandinavian market. Contact us to get information from whom you can buy from, if your outside Scandinavia.
"Health is
Guide your patients towards a stronger health
Our selection of screening methodes
"Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life;
it's about what you inspire others to do"
80% of all diseases today is related to peoples lifestyle
Today most of the diseases originate from a chronic degeneration that is process based on degenerative cell changes, affecting tissues and organs and speed up the aging process.
Degenerative disease also called lifestyle related diseases and for that reason if a person gets the knowledge what’s going on inside of them, they can design their lifestyle to prevent these diseases to occur and decrease the aging process.
Personalized lifestyle plan based on true physiological data is a new way of working with proactive wellness program.